
Get Involved


Become a volunteer with Greening Taupo and help regenerate our environment

There are many opportunities to support Greening Taupo when you find yourself with some time and the inclination. Whether it be preparing land for planting, planting days, weed control or pest eradication any help is hugely appreciated. 


Or Take Control of Your Own Backyard!

What to Plant

We’ve developed a comprehensive list of recommended plants for you to plant in your own backyard. Natives and some exotics, but all plants that will thrive in our local region and that will help us on our mission to bring back the birds!


So it’s about the birds…what can you expect to see in your own backyard? This list of birds includes those that are common in our region as well as ones that you are less common but you might be one of the lucky ones and spot one!

Pest Control

Our partner organisation Predator Free Taupo is all over this. It’s a coordinated community based trapping program that will enhance the environment so our birds can thrive. The aim is to have every household in the greater Taupo area trapping!